Thursday, October 19, 2017

Raven at the Beach

Carlie and I were walking at Glass Beach a couple of days ago and a large raven was doing an odd and interesting thing, fluffing/puffing out the feathers on it's head and neck and opening it's mouth. I think it was making some soft sounds but the ocean was too loud for me to hear clearly. It did this for several minutes and let us get to within 6 feet of it while it was doing it. It seemed ritualistic somehow, although Carlie wondered if it had something stuck in it's throat perhaps. When it stopped doing it, it starting walking around and I made soft clucking sounds to it. It walked to within probably 4 feet from me but then some other people came along the trail and it flew off. BUT I was able to take a lot of pictures during the time that it was close and got one that I really like. I've taken a lot of pictures of ravens here over the years but never one that shows the subtle colors and shades of it's feathers like this one

Monday, September 25, 2017

Buck in the Yard

When we recently returned from being out of town I found this handsome fellow hanging out in the back yard. We live in a neighborhood of houses in Ft. Bragg and the house next to ours has a very large yard, the size of 3 or 4 normal sized yards and is filled with trees and nobody lives full time in the big old house that is on the property. Because of this, various critters sometimes hang out there. Raccoons, possums, a month or so ago a very loud barn owl was there at night sometimes and, of course deer, like this one and the occasional skunk. They come up from Pudding Creek which is north of us and is an avenue for a lot of diverse wildlife as the water flows from the east and into the ocean near where we live. Normally I chase deer back over the fence into the big yard but I liked looking at this young guy so let him stay until he decided it was time to depart.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Bee out Back

This little guy was back on my back deck today. I think he was on his last legs as he wouldn't move much even when I touched him gently. The situation let me take lots of pictures from lots of different angles though and I got this one which I really like. Trying to have more flowers for pollinators each year. This is a native here on the coast but I forgot its name.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Up in My Artio

I've converted most of the second floor of my house into an Artio where I have tables and shelves and easels set up where I do drawing, painting, collage work and play music. The intensity with which I pursue these activities varies through time but it feels as if the upcoming year will see a lot of work/play done there. The picture on the left is of the left half of a collage of images I have been working on for a few weeks. The finished collage will be 20 x 30 inches. One of my long term obsessions is harvesting images from magazines and books. I go through 5 to 10 magazines a day and a  couple of books and tear and cut out images. I have boxes and boxes full of images, some from as long as 20 years ago. Upcoming are collages in which I will integrate drawn elements, painting, words and perhaps handmade papers.

Ever since I started doodling and drawing on the edges of notebook paper in junior high school 60 years ago I've had a fascination with pattern and texture and line and still do. This drawing to the right is 17 x 20 inches.

Another collage done last year, magazine images, papers from Racine's, a little drawing.

Another drawing of pattern and texture. The colored background was created with stamping using a stamp that I made from a rubber eraser. I used a felt tipped calligraphy pen to add the color. It is 20 x 30 inches.

And finally a mixture of collage,  (the red lines and yellow sun) and drawing (the textured red dots). 10 x 14 inches.

Who knows what if anything this all means? I only know that I enjoy it, I'm peaceful and happy when I'm doing it and sometimes people enjoy seeing them.