Carlie and I were walking at Glass Beach a couple of days ago and a large raven was doing an odd and interesting thing, fluffing/puffing out the feathers on it's head and neck and opening it's mouth. I think it was making some soft sounds but the ocean was too loud for me to hear clearly. It did this for several minutes and let us get to within 6 feet of it while it was doing it. It seemed ritualistic somehow, although Carlie wondered if it had something stuck in it's throat perhaps. When it stopped doing it, it starting walking around and I made soft clucking sounds to it. It walked to within probably 4 feet from me but then some other people came along the trail and it flew off. BUT I was able to take a lot of pictures during the time that it was close and got one that I really like. I've taken a lot of pictures of ravens here over the years but never one that shows the subtle colors and shades of it's feathers like this one